COMPANY SERVICES The compny provides full development services to grow our economy. We have targeted different sectors that we can all agree they are major contribute in growing our infrastracture. We are talking about sectors like agriculture and environment, tourism ,media and technology ,arts and culture ,edication ,healthy ,business and social development. Our main strategy to use in this sectors is to undertake their markets out of all to grow knowledge base in them by providing the following service: 1-TRAININGS Training is one of the best educational solution to improve the employability of senior high students it one of the way preparing learners adquately in terms of the specific job skills and talent required ,in high performance to improve workplaces skills ,productivity ,employment growth and development. Our main strategy is in priotizing education ,lifelong learning ,job trainings and skills development stritegies linked to growth strategies. The department of economic planning and development need to focus in this as it bring hope for the furture. Training improve quality and effeciency in life as the organisation we continuosly conduct trainings to accelerate skills and talents. Training can raise the productivity, profitability and improve business so in that way we got a lot of chances to grow economy. I recommend all employers to get involve or contributein such foundation acceleration. 2-MARKETING »Promotions
»Networking Events 3-MEDIA »Films and Tv productions
»Music Record
»Talents managment and Recruitments
»Events Managment
»other media development projects 4-TOURISM »Reservations and Bookings
»Tourism Marketing
»Tourism compains and it projects involvement 5-BUSINESS AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT »Community building projects
»Supporting local business
»Charity and hope building
»Talents and Skills investments
»Supporting students
»Coaching and Mentoring
»Volunteering ,Employment and business opportunities
»Get involve in agricultural and evironmental projects
»Healthy and Recreations